Last trip 7 - Yellowstone, Grand Prismatic
On s'est garde pour la fin un embleme de Yellowstone, la Grand Prismatic Spring, si coloree que meme la fumee qui s'en degage est teintee des nuances de la source... Epoustouflant !
Almost at the end of our trip, and still so much to see... Among which Grand Prismatic Spring, a symbol in itself, so colorful that even its fog is full of colors !
Almost at the end of our trip, and still so much to see... Among which Grand Prismatic Spring, a symbol in itself, so colorful that even its fog is full of colors !
waouw! j'ai comme l'impression que nous terminerons notre aventure ici par Yellowstone aussi! et on ecoutera vos conseils a' la lettre; ca nous a tellement bien reussi; on vous embrasse bien fort;